Learn English – Ticket got created and ticket is created


Could someone tell me which one is the correct sentence here:

Ticket got created


Ticket is created

This is the scenario:

Someone comes to me and asks for the status of his query. I have to tell them about the help ticket. Which one is correct of the above statements?

Best Answer

I think that because you are giving the current status of their query, you should use the present perfect tense.

The ticket has been created.

This says that the ticket was created some unspecified time before now. If you could be specific about when the ticket was created, you would use the simple past tense:

The ticket was created yesterday.

If you were explaining the current state of the ticket, you would use the present tense:

The ticket is set to "Awaiting Customer Response".

If you were explaining an on-going activity related to the ticket you would use present continuous:

The issue is being investigated.