Learn English – To + [verb] or ing


I want to write a sentence, but I don't know the right way to do it. I need to tell about dreams that I had(achieved dreams).

  • My dreams were to study abroad, get a well-paid job and a nice wife.


  • My dreams were studying abroad, getting a well-paid and a nice wife.

Or both are wrong?

Best Answer

It's fine to use either the infinitive or the gerund when making lists of things, but good style recommends you use the same for all the elements of the list:

I like to ski, to surf, and to shoot baskets.

I like skiing, surfing, and shooting baskets.

So in your example, just make sure all the elements have the same form:

My dreams were to study abroad, (to) get a well-paid job and (to) have a nice wife.

I dreamt of studying abroad, getting a good job, and marrying a nice woman.

You can also just list them as simple nouns (the related verbs are implied):

I dreamed of study abroad, a good job, and a nice wife.

Side note: it's not logical to say that you dream of "marrying a nice wife" because, at the time you marry her, she's not your "wife". Instead you say "I want to marry a nice girl/woman (and settle down, have kids, etc.)". However, it is fine to talk about marrying your wife in the past:

"I married my wife in February."


"I had married my wife in 2010 in a civil ceremony before a judge, but our actual wedding was a year later."

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