Learn English – “Tom wants (wanted) you to pick him up” – which tense to use


If my brother calls me and says "Tell mom to pick me up."
Do i tell my mom

which of the one below?

I know that wants is present tense and wanted is past tense. So should i use the second one?

  1. Tom wants you to pick him up
  2. Tom wanted you to pick him up

Best Answer

Both forms are correct, but imply slightly different things.

1.Tom wants you to pick him up

This states that you know for a fact that Tom, at this very instant, wants you to pick him up. You are asserting that that information you have is accurate and current. Example: "I left Tom at the store and he has no way to get home, so he wants you to pick him up."

2.Tom wanted you to pick him up

This indicates that, at some point in the past, Tom wanted you to pick him up, but leaves some degree of questionability as to the currency of that information. One would use this form in the event that one is unsure what Tom wants at this moment. Example: "I left Tom at the store and he wanted you to pick him up, but since that was two hours ago he may have found another ride home."

The above example makes a positive assertion about Tom's wants in the past, but doesn't indicate if that want still exists in the present. Using wanted implies that maybe you should check with Tom before driving around the store parking lot looking for him.