Learn English – Transitive verbs VS intransitive verbs


As per my knowledge:

A transitive verb takes a direct object.

Some examples:

I watched a movie.

He played cricket.

An intransitive verb does not take a direct object.

Some examples:

I watched.

He goes to school.

My question is that:

Why this sentence(He goes to school) is an example of intransitive
verbs? Because school is a direct object of the subject(he) here.

Best Answer

Are you sure the school is the direct object?

Yes, he is 'going' but he is not 'going his school'. The 'to' means he will eventually end up at school.

An example makes this more apparent: He watched a movie says the movie is what he is watching, but before this he must go to the cinema. The cinema and the movie are different: he goes (intransitive) to the cinema and watches (transitive) the movie.

Hopefully this explains it.

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