Learn English – … travel to France ? take a trip to France ? spend a week in France


What expression do you use to express your hope and desire to go to a foreign country and spend some time there for pleasure ?

What comes to my mind and sounds natural is not one expression.

Yeah, I want to go to France.
Maybe spend a few weeks.
Just walk around and eat the local food.

Many EFL textbooks here ( South Korea) and students (native Korean speakers) use this expression often.

I want to travel to France.

What expression would you use in combination with I want to ?

Can these be used to mean that you want to go to a foreign country and spend some time for pleasure ?

  1. I want to take a trip to France.
  2. I want to go on a trip to France.
  3. I want to travel to France.

From what I could understand from the definitions on Wiktionary and Oxford Online English dictionary, travel has more to do with the action of an object moving through an area. While trip has more to do with going to some place for pleasure.

What would be the most natural way of expressing the idea of going to a foreign country and spending some time there for pleasure ?

Best Answer

I can't imagine why anyone would want to go to France, but anyway ... :-)

All three of your sentences are valid and common. I'd also add a fourth: "I want to visit France."

All mean pretty much the same thing. I don't think most fluent English speakers would make a distinction between "travel" and "trip" in such a context. Well, "travel" is a verb and "trip" is a noun, so they're used different. But "I want to travel to ..." and "I want to take a trip to ..." are pretty much synonymous.