Learn English – Turn To, Turn Into


I am looking at some usage issues of "change" sense of the verb "turn":

  1. Water could turn to/into ice.
  2. The magician turned the cat to/into a rabbit.

I looked up dictionaries and it seems that "turn" should be used with "into" to be safe and that "to" could be used with "turn" for poetic effect. What do native speakers think?

Best Answer

Certain sentences using phrases like this -- (sometimes in the past tense) -- can be found in translations of some parts of the bible; for example in chapter 38 of Genesis. "This" translation http://www.mechon-mamre.org/p/pt/pt0138.htm of Genesis 38 uses "turned in to" in verse 1 (note: "in to", [two words!] -- not "into") and it uses "turned unto" in verse 16. In fact, in verse 16 it also uses -- twice -- (the present tense, or the infinitive, or something, of) the verb "come in unto" ... which may be even more archaic than "turned unto", and it is probably a euphemism there ...since it [verse 16] involves statements addressed to (or spoken by) Tamar, and Tamar is mentioned in the previous verse (15) in a sentence that contains a noun translated as "harlot".

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