Learn English – Usage of ‘do’ and ‘does’


I have heard the phrase:

Do such easy questions really come?

What if I am pointing to a single question and asking:

Does such an easy question really come?

I feel that the second sentence is not correct. Will there be any sentence used in this context beginning with 'does'.Or do we always have to use 'do' in this context.

Best Answer

I'm not the upmost expert on grammar rules, but I believe that both of those sentences are correct in terms of the Do/Does part (as for the sentence overall, I'm not entirely certain what the meaning is meant to be, it sounds a little funky). But for some examples that might sound a little more normal:

If someone asks you to, say, find some sort of people:

Do such people exist?

Or maybe they just ask you to find one of that sort of person:

Does such a person exist?