Learn English – Usage of “make” and “become”


Is it always valid to use make as a verb which causes a change by force in the personality/emotions/behaviors of objects?

Is it always valid to use become before all human emotions/senses/adjectives to express a change?

Is there any general rule which one to use when?

Best Answer

Here, make is used in a context of "to cause something":
You make me cry — meaning, I was not crying, but because of you I start.

Become is simply "to change {one's own} state".

Imagine Alice sees a sad Bob. Alice tells a funny joke to Bob, and he becomes happy. The following sentences are all valid:

  • Alice made Bob happy;
  • Bob became happy;
  • Alice made Bob to (1) become happy;

So, as you see, to make applies to a causing subject, while to become applies to an object that changes.

(1) Thanks to @StoneyB; make takes bare infinitive, so can't use to here.