Learn English – Usage of your and yours


When should one use your and yours. What is the difference in usage. Give some examples if possible, please. For example,

Your question is interesting! Were those gloves his or yours?

Why do we use exactly your and yours

I found this article: http://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/grammar/british-grammar/pronouns/pronouns-possessive-my-mine-your-yours-etc. But it did not help me to figure out my problem. Since there is no explanation when to use your and when to use yours.

Best Answer

We use possessive determiners before a noun. We use possessive pronouns in place of a noun.

Possessive determiner: your.

Possessive pronoun: yours.

We use your before noun. We use yours in place of a noun.

Your (noun)question(noun) is interesting! Were those gloves his or yours(we are talking about a male, male is a noun we use here yours instead of male`s)?

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