Learn English – use a semicolon before because


It is safe to write either "Because …, …" or "… because …". However, sometimes I find that if one sticks to the rule of no-comma-before-because, then the whole sentence gets extremely long. For example, instead of writing

The sequence is not convergent because there is no real number $l$ such that for every $\epsilon > 0$ there is an $N \geq 1$ such that $|x_{n} – l| < \epsilon$ for all $n \geq N.$"

to me it looks better to write

The sequence is not convergent; because there is …".

I thus wonder if it is a common American usage to use the sign ";" to separate the sentences. For example, is it legitimate to write "I am healthy; because everyday I get up early."?

Best Answer

Semicolons are normally used to combine two complete sentences, so you shouldn't use a semicolon before "because". The long part of your sentence is what comes after "because". Adding a comma or a semicolon won't help that.

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