Learn English – Use of ‘And’ as the first word of a sentence


Can I write:

We need to have a deep sense of morality. And moral science teaches us morality.

But I was told that I should not use that full stop. But I am not clear. I know its a conjunction but can we use it this way? Can we use it as the first word of a sentence?

Best Answer

It is perfectly all right to begin a sentence with a conjunction. It is a special form of emphasis, used to elevate a clause to a position of more influence and importance.

I hold that all beets are red. And I will stick to that belief until you show me a green beet.

We were tired, hungry, and exhausted. But we were home.

It can also be used as a summation of previous statements.

[Blah blah blah ... fairy tale or fable ... blah blah] And that is how the elephant's nose grew into the long trunk it has today.

Oxford Dictionaries Online calls the rule against starting a sentence with a conjunction a "myth" and states that

[P]erfectly respectable writers employ this disputed usage, and have done since Anglo-Saxon times.

In sum, this is just one of many shibboleths about English that you can safely ignore.

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