Learn English – Use of Modal Verbs ‘Must’ and ‘Will’ to Express Certainty


When I see examples of 'must' or 'will' showing certainty, I find that the main verb is either a stative verb or a present participle preceded by 'be'. How different are the two sentences in the following pairs:

He will be coming. VS He will come.
He must be working. VS He must work.

Best Answer

Wikipedia has reasonably good coverage of modal verbs.

Must is stronger than will: must indicates a requirement, whereas will indicates a prediction of future action without regard to its cause. If someone will do something, we don't know whether it's because they have to, or they want to, or it's just a matter of circumstance.

See also RFC 2119 which outlines the specific meanings of the modal verbs MUST, MAY, SHOULD, and SHALL in requirements documents that cite RFC 2119.