Learn English – Use of “would rather” with different subjects


I've read that "would rather" has two different constructions; same subject and different subjects. Some of the examples have been listed below:

  1. I would rather they did something about it.

Question 1: Does it mean "I would prefer them to do something about it" at present moment or in the future?

  1. Rahul joined Engineering but he'd rather has joined medicine.

Question 2. Does it mean "He would have preferred to join medicine but he joined Engineering"

  1. I would rather you stayed at home tonight.

Question 3. Can't we just say "you would rather stayed at home tonight." Without changing the meaning of above sentence?

Source: http://dictionary.cambridge.org/grammar/british-grammar/would-rather-would-sooner#would-rather-would-sooner__1

Note: I have read this question "I would rather did it myself" or "I would rather do it myself"? which is a bit similar to my question because both are about "would rather". But all the example sentences and questions that I have asked in my question are different.

Best Answer

Your interpretations of all the meanings except 3 are correct: 3 means "he wishes he had joined medicine".

You alternative ways of phrasing it (Q1.2 and Q4.2) are not correct, though.

I would rather...

This specifies who wants something to happen.

... they did something about it...

This specifies who should do something.

  1. I would rather they did something about it...

This specifies that I want them to do something.

1.2 They would rather do something about it...

This specifies that they want themselves to do something.

  1. I would rather you stayed at home tonight

This specifies that I want you to stay at home tonight.

4.2 you would rather stay at home tonight

This specifies that you want yourself to stay at home tonight.

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