Learn English – Uses of “in such …..as to”


I would appreciate it if anybody indicates the usage of in such ……… as to. I knew that if I would provide context, it might easy for experts to say something about my query. But I'm afraid to say that no context is available. Before posting this thread at this website, I asked one of my friends about in such ……. as to. He told me that it may be used to represent a potential result, not a result that has already occurred. But he was not sure.

By the way, are the sentences which I have written above correct?

Best Answer

Unless there's a uncommon usage that I'm not familiar with, I'd say it's wrong. When I try to make sense of the following:

...in such case as to...

I can't think of anything that would make sense. We can say:

I'll visit a new club tonight and in such place as that, I'll score for sure.

but that's not following the to part of your pattern. Or we could say:

I won't dance because such action as to dance makes me look like an idiot.

but that misses the in part of your pattern. So I doubt that it's correct to use it the way your friend suggested but you're not far off.

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