Learn English – Using “among others” for a list of workplaces


How is "among others" used properly? Is it used properly in this sentence?:

I have among others worked in a bakery and a restaurant

I've looked at the definition of it. It says:

used to indicate that there are several more people like the one or ones mentioned, but that you do not intend to mention them all

Does that mean I can't use it when it's not people I am talking about?

Best Answer

The expression among others is mainly used about people, but it can also be used about things. Here are some examples:

The American longshore workers held work stoppages in relationship to South African apartheid, the war in Vietnam, and the war in Iraq, among others. In the interest of others

The same dish is found in several Latin American countries (Costa Rica, Mexico,and Cuba among others). Building bridges among the BRICs

The risk associated with RYGB may include incisional hernias, nutrient deficiencies, marginal ulcers, pulmonary embolism, small bowel obstruction and wound infection, among others. Acceptability of weight loss treatments...

The key to its successful use for things is to include it at the end of a list that includes at least three items. To make your sentence work, you would have to say:

I have worked in a bakery, a cafe, and a restaurant, among others.