Learn English – Using “any” with countable nouns in question forms


Which ones are grammatically correct out of the following sentences:

Do you know any famous person?

Do you know any famous people?

Do you do any physical activity for staying in shape?

Do you do any physical activities for staying in shape?

I am not sure but I remember reading that we should use plural forms with any in affirmative sentences. If we accept this rule as correct, can we apply this rule to questions in which the word any is used?

Best Answer

While in some contexts, "know any famous person" or "do any physical activity" could be used, the non-standard structure would be being used as emphasis, and in dialogue. ("Okay, we've got to find someone who'll endorse our product. Joe knows a rockstar, and Jane knows three politicians and a movie star. How about you, Chris? Do you know any famous person?")

But even in such contrived circumstances, it would not be incorrect to use the plural forms, and would sound more natural in general, so I'd advise using them by default. I can't think of many contexts which pair "any" with a singular noun.

(One possible exception: any place. E.g., "Is there any place that's not closed on Thanksgiving? We don't have any power to cook at home!")

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