Learn English – Using “have had ” and “had” to answer the question


My friend asked me, "Why don't you drive your car?"

Should I answer with "I have had a car accident." or "I had a car accident."?

Best Answer

You should say, "I had a car accident."

The present perfect tense is used in sentences like the following ones.

Mario has arrived home.

Michelle has shopped at that store since she was a child.

She has walked downtown everyday for a week.

The first sentence means that Mario arrived home, and he still is at home at the present time. (Suppose I say that sentence to a person who is listening me, now.)
The second sentence describes an action that started in the past, and continued into the present.
The third sentence describes an action that happened in the past, and that was repeated.

Since having an accident is an event that happened in the past, but that didn't continue into the present, nor is it an event that was repeated in the past, you should not use the present perfect.

Notice that British English and American English use the present perfect differently; in some cases, British English would use the present perfect tense where American English would use the simple past tense.