Learn English – Using the past perfect in a simple sentence


My English grammar book ("English Grammar" by David Daniels and Barbara Daniels) describes the past perfect as follows:

The past perfect describes an event in the past and shows that it was still relevant at a later time.

The given example is the following one:

Mario had already arrived home when his mother walked in.

Is it possible to use the past perfect in a simple sentence?

Mario had arrived home.

I could use the present perfect ("Mario has arrived home.") and that sentence would mean Mario is still at home. What would I get from the simple sentence using the past perfect?

Best Answer

No. Apparently not. The relevance of Past perfect lies in the fact that it differentiates between the time frame of two events, when both of them happened in the past.


Before she left for her college, she had finished her lunch.

You can use After too. In the given sentence in your question,

Mario had already arrived home when his mother walked in.

it is understandable that Mario had reached home before his mother walked in.

BUT a simple,

Mario had arrived home.

is meaningless and unnecessary as you are not referencing before what event had he arrive home. You can use simple past here. Of course, if in a conversation it is relevant that you did it before some action you can use simple perfect like you cited. Like:

2nd friend: Where do you work now?

1st friend: I work in ABC company now-a-days.

2nd friend: Oh! I see. I had worked there. (It means he had worked there before he left that job)

So put it simply,

Past perfect is not used unless and until we are comparing the time frames between two events. You can read more on past perfect in English Page: Past Perfect Tense.

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