Learn English – Using Verb in past tense with ‘had better’ in indirect narration


verb form with had better

This sentence is from an direct to indirect narration conversion exercise. As you can see the exercise has marked C as correct answer but I suspect it to be wrong as I never came across any sentence with structure had better + past form of verb, I googled and found sentences using only had better+ verb form 1 so I think correct answer should be B, Am I correct or in indirect narration it's fine to use past form of verb ?

Best Answer

had better + {past participle} is rare in contemporary English, certainly American English, and speakers will avoid it, if they are even aware of it as an option, as few are:

She said to Mr Weston that it would be better if they moved on. contemporary

By contrast, here's something from a work printed in London in 1845 (emphasis mine):

The admiring pupil is perhaps not select in his gatherings and recollections; he embalms much that had better gone to decay; he accumulates rubbish as well as rubies; be possibly mistakes, or mistates, the words or intentions of the speaker; and he injures the fair fame of the object of his veneration, by recording much that had better been forgotten...