Word Usage – Properly Visiting a Website


Which phrasal verbs or verbs can be used when mentioned visiting a website on the Internet?

For example, I would like to say

I have not visited this website for months.

Can I say

I haven't got on this website for months.

Best Answer

One view of the Internet treats websites like any other physical location:

I haven't visited this website in a while

I haven't been to this website in a while

I haven't gone to this website in a while

Another view treats websites like documents, bulletin boards, or archives:

I haven't viewed this website in a while

I haven't opened this website in a while

I haven't checked this website in a while

I haven't caught up on this website in a while.

and others.

You can use "got on" but usually for sites that require some kind of authentication (like a username/password) to access your account:

I can't get on the company website. It says my password is expired.

Can you get on Facebook? I posted all the pictures of us there.

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