Word-Request – A Single Word for ‘Walk Around Nonchalantly’


Is there a word that means "walk around nonchalantly" in the same way to breeze means "to walk somewhere quickly and confidently"

I want to use the word in this sentence:

The crime is intense over here; you can't walk around non chalantly.

Best Answer

In general, for "walk around nonchalantly" I would suggest stroll:

    1. To wander on foot; to ramble idly or leisurely; to rove.
    1. To go somewhere with ease.

But in your context I think "stroll" is almost a little too focused, and I would use the almost-but-not-quite-synonym wander:

    1. To move without purpose or specified destination; often in search of livelihood.
    1. To go somewhere indirectly or at varying speeds; to move in a curved path.

I would keep the preposition "around" in that case. Also it seems a little off to make "crime" the subject of the sentence. I would write:

This is a bad area [for crime]; you can't wander around over here.

But "stroll" sounds more natural in some contexts, for example I would wander streets but stroll in a park:

This is a bad area; I wouldn't go for a stroll in the park.

See also amble.

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