Learn English – “Was it SHE you were talking about?”


I have a doubt in choosing the subject and object form of pronoun in some sentences

I found following examples in "Word Power Made Easy" by Norman Lewis. But there was no explanation covered for the same. Can someone please provide reasons for the answers given in following examples:

  1. Your husband doesn't believe that you are older than (I/me). (Ans: I)

  2. May we are not as rich as (they/them), but I bet we are a lot happier.
    (Ans: they)

  3. I can't remember (who/whom) it was.
    (Ans: who)

  4. No one but (she/her) ever made a perfect score in the test.
    (Ans: her)

  5. We have just interviewed an applicant (who/whom) the committee believes is best qualified for the position.
    (Ans: who)

  6. Was it (she/her) you were talking about?
    (Ans: she)

Best Answer

This looks like the rules of Latin being applied to English.

In Latin, a subject complement takes the nominative case. In Latin you must say "It I is". In English the objective case is usually correct: "It is me". However attempting to simulate Latin has lead "It is I" becoming an acceptable alternative.

It looks like Norman Lewis is from the prescriptive English grammar = Latin camp. This results in sentences that sound stilted, or in some cases just incorrect grammar. A simple rule is "if the pronoun is the subject use the subject pronoun":

  • Your husband doesn't believe that you are older than I

Not incorrect (due to the influence of Latin), but "me" would be preferable to most speakers. ("I" is not the subject so "me" is better)

  • Maybe we are not as rich as they,...

Incorrect application of Latin Grammar. Use them

*I can't remember who it was.

Correct. You are rarely wrong to use who in place of whom. Whom is an object pronoun, who is nowadays being used in as both subject and object.

  • No one but her ever made a perfect score in the test.

Correct. "Her" is not the subject, so don't use "she".

  • We have just interviewed an applicant who...

Correct, as before

Was it she you were talking about?

  • Incorrect. Incorrect application of Latin grammar. "She" is not in subject position, use "her".