Learn English – Ways to refer to past time


Suppose I woke up an hour ago, when I am still in bed, can I say these:

I woke up at 10 and it's an hour from when I woke up


I woke up at 10 and it's an hour since I woke up


I woke up at 10 and it's an hour that I am awake

I specially doubt the last sentence

Best Answer

There are two different things -waking up and getting up.

'Wake up' means opening your eyes after having slept for whatsoever time. 'Getting up' means get up from the bed [That said, if you wake up, you could be still in the bed, but if you 'get up', you must be awake unless you suffer from somnabulism!].

So, it's possible that you woke up at 10 but get up/off from the bed at 11.

If someone asks you at 10:59, you may say...

It's been (almost) an hour, I'm awake

Or informally ..

I'm up since 10 (o'clock)