Learn English – we’ll coming back


"There she is!" said Corley.
At the corner of Hume Street a young
woman was standing. She wore a blue dress and a white sailor hat. She
stood on the curbstone, swinging a sunshade in one hand. Lenehan grew
"Let's have a look at her, Corley," he said.
glanced sideways at his friend and an unpleasant grin appeared on his
"Are you trying to get inside me?" he asked.
it!" said Lenehan boldly, "I don't want an introduction. All I want is
to have a look at her. I'm not going to eat her."
"O… A look at
her?" said Corley, more amiably. "Well… I'll tell you what. I'll go
over and talk to her and you can pass by."
"Right!" said
Corley had already thrown one leg over the chains when
Lenehan called out:
"And after? Where will we meet?"
ten," answered Corley, bringing over his other leg.
"Corner of Merrion Street. We'll be coming back."
"Work it
all right now," said Lenehan in farewell.
(James Joyce,

It seem that we’ll coming back is more probable and near than we’ll come back in the respect of the remark’s fulfillment. And we’ll be coming back relives the vagueness whether it implies future or continuous present, when he says we are coming back instead. Is this what the sentence meaning?

Best Answer

"We'll be coming back" refers to the proposed meeting at "half ten" (9:30) and says what the speaker expects to be doing at that time. (Future progressive tense.)

"We'll come back" states their return as a fact, and nothing else. You might use this if you don't know when or how you'll come back. (Simple future tense)

"We're coming back" is only slightly different from "we'll come back" in this context, but it makes it clear that there is a plan. (Present progressive tense) It treats the trip out and back as a single continuous action which is already in progress.

"*We'll coming back" is not English. Don't say this.

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