Learn English – what are the differences between “Her eyes twinkled” and “Her eyes lit up”


In the dictionary

twinkle (intransitive): if someone’s eyes twinkle, they have a happy expression

twinkle with

Her eyes twinkled with amusement.

light up: if someone’s face or eyes light up, they show pleasure,
excitement etc

His eyes lit up with laughter.
Her face lit up with pleasure.

My question is

What are the differences between "Her eyes twinkled" and "Her eyes lit up"?

For example, "Her eyes twinkled with pleasure / amusement" & "Her eyes lit up with pleasure / amusement"

Best Answer

Both expressions are metaphors that are unrelated to actual light.

Eyes "lighting up" indicates a change in expression to something happy/positive, or suddenly showing an interest in something.

Having a "twinkle in your eye" is an idiom usually meaning your expression shows happiness or amusement, or sometimes that you are keeping a secret.

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