Learn English – What are the differences between “I don’t mind”, “I don’t care” and “It doesn’t matter”


I think those expressions are quite similar. Some examples:

  • I don't mind if you sit beside me.
  • You can't go out dressed like that. I don't care.
  • I didn't have time to call Peter. Doesn't matter. I'll probably see him this evening anyway.

Could anybody explain what are the subtle differences between them?

Best Answer

I don't mind usually means that you are allowing for that action to occur. In your case it would be allowing for that person to sit next to you.

I don't care usually mean that you are stubborn, fixed and won't change your mind. This could be associated as being slightly rude/aggressive as for example in an argument:

I don't care about your opinion on my dress because you are a (some discouraging words).

Doesn't matter usually means that the action that is about to occur won't affect the outcome. Also a little bit similar to I don't care in the fixed, stubborn part but it is more polite to use.