Learn English – What are the differences between “receptacle” and “container”


Generally, both "receptacle" and "container" refer to an object that contains some other object(s). What are the differences between these two words? Do they differ in meaning, usage, or origin?

I searched "difference between receptacle and container" in Google but the only two relevant results ([1], [2]) can both be summarized as "They are basically the same thing".

Best Answer

Receptacle <-- receives something

Container <-- contains something

Sender <-- sends something

A receiver uses his receptacle to receive something. Then he puts it into his container (memory) to keep it contained and safe.


1375-1425; Middle English (< Old French) < Latin receptāculum reservoir, equivalent to receptā(re) to take again, receive back (frequentative of recipere to receive ) + -culum -cle2