Learn English – What are the differences between the pronunciation of “bidet” in American and British English


What are the differences between the pronunciation of bidet in American English, and British English?

The last part of the word sounds like the pronunciation of day, in both the cases. I don't understand the differences for the first part of the word.

Are there other words that have the same differences in the pronunciation?

Best Answer

The difference is that with bidet, as also with words like ballet, beret, buffet, café, cliché, and debris, in North America the stress falls on the second syllable, while Britain favors the first syllable in each of those words.

Wikipedia calls this “French stress”, and has quite a long list of these. A few of those are wrong, though, like for example négligée, which is stressed on the first syllable in both but which receives secondary stress at the end in North America.

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