Learn English – What are these holes in sinks and tubs called


What are the holes in the pictures called? They are usually found in sinks and tubs and their function is to prevent water from overflowing.

Photo of a sink, with small holes below the faucet

Best Answer

Although I see nothing wrong with overflows proposed by the answers and people casually call it that way, since I see in the comments that it technically refers to the whole system, I'd like to suggest the compound noun overflow holes. I did a search and found out it's actually quite common. I found some posts in Home Improvement Stack concerning these holes, too.

There is even a cover which blocks the hole called overflow hole cover for cosmetic purposes (as JimmyJames mentioned in his comment). Besides, you might want to consider overflow drain that I already mentioned under Colin Fine's answer.

(Whole credit, though, should go to Colin Fine because he was the first to post the word overflow and made me go for it)