Learn English – What are you reading at the moment


No, not what books are you enjoying, but what specifically is this page, that you're reading right now.

On other sites such as forums etc, we may be involved in a "thread". What single word or short phrase would best describe the interactions we have on Stack Exchange.

For more context, I was posting a comment on another site's Meta, and wanted to say:

As mentioned elsewhere on this …

  • "thread" doesn't work, because we're not a forum
  • "Q&A" just doesn't seem right

Best Answer

If I'm talking with someone in person, especially someone not familiar with StackExchange, I'll call this a page.

On StackExchange, I'll usually call it a question. "A question" can refer to the whole page, including the answers and comments, especially when written on a different page. On the page, the question usually refers only to the question part of the page, excluding the answers and comments.

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