Learn English – What do Americans call something when they cannot remember its name temporarily


What do you call a thing that you temporarily cannot remember the name of in American English? Lets suppose the following scenario. What would you use to fill in the blank?

Give me that. . . umm. . . you say its name. . . shoot. . . I cannot remember its name. . . __________.

a) widget
b) gadget
c) thingy
d) thing magic

Is there any other common choice for this concept in AmE? I need to know the most common one.

Best Answer

I don't know that there is a MOST common one. There are several in common usage, and I suspect different regions of the country use different ones. Where I live, you'd most likely hear:

  • Thingy
  • Thing-a-ma-bob
  • Thing-a-ma-jig
  • Doohickey
  • Doodad
  • Whatchamacalit

I've never heard "thing magic" before. Gadget and widget are used, but I think they are more specific. Gadget would be used for a small machine or toy. It can also be used to describe a collection of little tools, like "I have a whole drawer of kitchen gadgets", that you know the names of, but don't want to list. A widget would usually be used to refer to a piece that is used to build something. Again, I think it is more likely to be used when you don't want to bother naming the thing, or want to talk about pieces of something in general terms.

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