Learn English – What do we call a baby’s language


In my mother tongue, there is a word that precisely talks about 'baby's language', which does not have proper pronunciations.

'R' becomes 'L' in almost all cases.

Is there any term that describes 'baby's language' or it's called 'baby's language' only?

I know 'baby talk'. But I think it's different. There, you use different words (say: boo-boo for describing a wound). Here, I'm using the same word but Indian babies replace 'R' with 'L' as in 'car' which becomes 'KAAL'. To clarify this further, baby talk is what 'you talk' with babies, I'm searching for the term in which a 'baby talks' with you!

Again, I'm concerned about what do we call the pronunciation, intonation, accent or style the way babies pronounce.

Best Answer

I think baby talk is the common and proper term. It refers to the words or sounds a baby makes when it's learning to talk. In addition, it also refers to special language adults sometimes use to talk to babies.

We also can call it babble. We can use babble both as a noun and a verb.

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