Learn English – What do we call a person who makes up facts in order to look smart


My discourse is like this:

However, sometimes knowledge could be abused. People should be aware because there are ____ who make up facts in order to look smart instead of admitting their ignorances.

It'd be awkward if I repeat "people", that's why I need a word to define this type of people.

I've found such words like sophists and pathological liars. But they aren't suitable here.

These people don't make up facts for an argument but they just want to look smart and convincing. They also give fake statistics such as "90% of people are…", "20% of our blood is..".

Best Answer

There is a handy little pronoun, those.

...there are those who...

P.S. I would also recommend "sometimes ... can be abused" rather than "sometimes ... could be abused".

However, it isn't knowledge that is being abused, but fact. Your next sentences are not about misuse of knowledge but about presenting made-up "facts" as truth.

... you mean pathological liars.

P.P.S. Your errand here is odd. You're looking for the perfect word. But if you do happen to find it, there will be no need to explain what it means with a defining who-clause. The sentence that results will be much like "There are magicians who do magic tricks".