Learn English – What do we call “three people who united on a person to destroy something he\she has”


Let's say that X is a girl who has a deal with Y, she would absolutely get many benefits of that deal after it comes to its deadline. However, there's A, B, and C who are three people that hate X and want to destroy her deal with Y. X doesn't know about their planning until after a while, so she says:
"It was a _____ all that time!".

I thought of tri-scheme, but I'm not sure if it fits X's situation.

Any suggestion for a word that would describe X's situation?


1- I found "tri-aggression" and "tri-alliance".

2- I want a term as this one "tripartite aggression", but expressed with less violence.

Best Answer

There are a number of terms in English that relate to groups of three, none seem quite appropriate.

  • Trio, particularly a group of three musicians.
  • Threesome means three people, but is particularly used of a sexual group.
  • Triad means three objects. It is used in sociology to refer to groups of three people, but is also a type of Chinese gang structure.
  • Troika, from the Russian, this suggests a political grouping.
  • Triumvirate, from the Roman Empire, a group of three people acting as rulers.
  • Trinity, Particularly the three-part nature of God.
  • Triplet, one if a group of three, particularly of three children born together.
  • Coven, a group of witches, often a group of three witches.

In your situation, X can say "It was that scheming trio all along!" or perhaps. "There was a trio of A, B and C obstructing me all the time". Changing "trio" to "troika" would suggest a rather more organised and conspiratorial group of three.