Learn English – What do we mean by the word “distinct” in this book


What do we mean by the word "distinct" in the first line of the first article Number in this book?

This is the line: "We say of certain distinct things that they form a group when we
make them collectively a single object of our attention."

Example: Suppose a collection of three coins(may be of same or different value) in my pocket. I call the collection of these three coins A. Let's name the three coins C_1,C_2 and C_3. So A can be written as A={C_1,C_2,C_3}. Let C_1 and C_3 be of same value(say 1 rupee each). Are C_1 and C_2 still distinct from each other?

Does the word "distinct" have some other meaning in Fine's book as compared to the general meaning of the English word "distinct"?

Note: this question is also being asked at Math.SE

Best Answer

In set theory, the only concern for "distinctness" is whether or not items have different names. Different names = Distinct.

Items can share a property (such as male/female or the value of a coin) and still be distinct items. Consider the following:

Set1 = {John, Joe, Mary}

We know John and Joe are "male" and "Mary" is female. Do we have three distinct "things"? Yes.

On the other hand, consider 3 people: Joe McDonald, Joe Harris, Jane Fonda. What is the set of all first names? It's {Joe, Jane}. There are only two distinct first names.

You have three different coins. They are distinct because each is a different coin and you gave each one a different name.

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