Learn English – What do you call a chalkboard punishment


Simpsons Chalkboard Punishment

The video shows many instances of Bart Simpson writing on the chalkboard (e.g. I will not burp in class). Is there a way to properly refer to this punishment? I can't think of a single way to say this in a normal sounding way.

Best Answer

This punishment is commonly referred to as "writing lines," which can refer to doing so on a chalkboard, a whiteboard, a piece of paper, etc. I'm not sure if anyone has tried to have a student serve this punishment on a computer with copy/paste disabled, but I think the term would apply to that as well if they did.

If you wanted to be more specific to doing so on a chalkboard, "writing lines on a chalkboard" would be clear, idiomatic English. For example: "The teacher made the student stay after school and write lines on the chalkboard."

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