Learn English – What do you call a non-digital billboard that constantly morphs between two different ads


advertising billboard made up of dozens of vertical panels that rotate in series revealing another ad on the other side.

What do you call a non-digital billboard that constantly morphs between two different ads? I am not even sure if the way I phrased my question is correct, but what do you call these dashboards? I know the ones we use nowadays are simply called digital dashboards, but I don't know how these old dashboards are called.

Best Answer

This is the kind of thing that regular people don't often refer to and so there isn't a common expression. I suppose "rotating billboard" (or "rotational billboard"?) would be understood in context.

There is (according to Wikipedia and a manufacturer a technical word used in the advertisement industry: "Trivision". Individual companies that make these signs have their own brand names, such as Prismvision or Tri-face.

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