Learn English – What do you call a person who suggested something? A suggester


Let me give an example for context:

If someone posted a question here on the site and I wanted to describe them, I can say "the asker" or "the poster".

Now, if someone suggests an edit on that post, how would I describe them in a similar manner (using a single word)?

Is the word "suggester" correct? (I couldn't find any usage of it.) If it's not, I'm looking for a word that has this meaning. It doesn't have to be derived from "suggest". A synonym would suffice as long as it fits in the context (e.g., "advisor", etc. wouldn't work).


(extra info; feel free to ignore)

This post appears to have attracted a lot of people so let me try to clarify more.

The example that I used above is very similar to the real-life situation but let me include the exact context that I wanted to use it in anyway. I was trying to come up with a meaningful variable name to use in a software development project that I'm working on. The situation is as follows:

A client suggests something (actually, an edit to an existing item or a proposal for a new item) and I need to have two variables to refer to the following:

  • The client that suggested the thing.
  • The id of the client who suggested the thing.

I couldn't just use Client and ClientId because it would be ambiguous in this particular situation. I ended up using SuggestedBy and SuggestedByClientId. Although the second one isn't perfect (I think), I believe it reflects the intention pretty well. I might change it later to Proposer and ProposerClientIdas suggested by Jason in the answer below or just keep the word "proposer" in mind for future use cases.

Best Answer

I have updated my answer based on several comments I've received.

Although it seems that the word suggester does actually exist as a variant of suggest (per Merriam-Webster), I find it so uncommon that, while understandable, it would give most people some pause on reading it.

I would say that a more common word is proposer.

[Merriam-Webster, propose]
1 : to form or put forward a plan or intention
// man proposes, but God disposes

Other Words from propose
proposer noun

In the right context, such as fields to be filled in on a form, the word would be quite appropriate:

Proposal: (____)

Proposer: (____)

Approved: (Yes / No)

Also, I've been informed that proposer is frequently used in formal debates.

As for comparing suggester to proposer, Google Ngram Viewer indicates that proposer is far more common, at least in print:

suggester versus proposer

As I final note, I will add that while proposer might sound strange to some, so too would asker and poster, as used in the question. Just as it would be more common to say the person who asked or the person who posted, it would also be more common to say the person who proposed (or the person who suggested). None of these single nouns are as common as a longer phrase; however, proposer is still relatively much more common than suggester.