Learn English – What do you call a person who usually talks about a matter he/she doesn’t know much about


I thought to terms below and found them inappropriate:

Ignorant = A person who doesn't know generally = incorrect

Talkative = A person who may know a lot too! = incorrect

Awkward = A person who may know a lot but cannot express his/her knowledge appropriately = incorrect

Liar = A person who lies but may know a lot! = incorrect

Shallow = A person with shallow knowledge but may not try to force his/her ideas to the others = incorrect

Windbag = A person who talks a lot but may know a lot too = incorrect

Facile = Easygoing = incorrect

Can you suggest a better word or phrase?

Best Answer

It could be someone with Male Answer Syndrome....

(defined as: The tendency for some men to answer a question even when they don't know the answer.)