Learn English – What do you call a team which it’s players play in a very coordinated way


What do you call a team whose players play in a very coordinated way, and all know each other well (meaning that each player knows how the other teammate plays and plays according to the other player's playing in a manner that maximizes the team's performance) Short and to the point – they play in a very coordinated manner together.

Based on my own dictionary definitions, all the following terms should be correct, but I've found their meanings in some online dictionaries. So I doubt if they are correct now. Please help me to find the best choice which a native speaker would say:

a) coordinated team

b) coherent team

c) harmonious team

d) homogeneous team

Based on dictionary definitions, I guess there should be a fixed term. I'm looking for that; otherwise, these all can work properly, at least for me and according to the dictionary definitions.

Best Answer

From thefreedictionary.com...

tight-knit - closely and firmly integrated
a tight-knit team (that's over 900 hits in Google Books)

Note that plain tight is also quite common, particularly in reference to a band (group of musicians) whose playing is highly coordinated. In many contexts, tight-knit may also have strong overtones of bound in love or friendship, but that "emotional" dimension isn't required for the usage.

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