Learn English – What do you call it when you have a number multiplied by 10


I have the following sentence:

This number is the initial value multiplied by 10.

Context: Tabletop roleplaying games. I'm deriving a number from a statistic inherent to a character, with said number being ten times the statistic in question.

While it covers what I want to say, I'm not entirely keen on the "multiplied by 10" part, as it seems rather unwieldy. So I'm looking for a word that covers what I am trying to say here. I've considered the following:

This number is the tenfold the initial value.

But this seems a bit archaic and a bit silly. Another reason I prefer not to use tenfold: I'm not entirely sure on how to use it correctly. Is there another way to say this?

Best Answer

The <new value> is ten times the <old value>.

For example,

The character's IQ is ten times the character's INT rating.

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