Learn English – What do you call the hanging sections on the sides of someone with long hair


I'm referring to this:

picture of a woman with long hair

At first, I thought they could be called bangs.

But according to Google it's only the head above the forehead:

a fringe of hair cut straight across the forehead.

So what's the correct way of calling this part of the hair?

If there isn't a specific term, what would be the most natural way to call them?

For example, to be used in a sentence like this:

Her __ curved inward, cradling her cheeks.

Best Answer

The specific portion which you are pointing out of Bipasa Basu is informally called flick(s) (informally). If the flick is on one side, then you say side flick.

Flick is also a noun: e.g....a flick of a paintbrush.

He had straight sandy-coloured hair which was parted on the left with a flick of hair across his forehead, and a full bristly blond beard with a small moustache that was barely noticeable. link

Dreamweaver poetry With a flick of hair over her eyes, She carves intently a mysterious art. Like a song following the rhythm, Fireflies move around her heart. She drives her imagination , Beyond the scope of my senses. It's a gift of the grace, To build without fences.

He has a chubby hairless face, generally squinted eyes and black hair that is neatly combed and parted to each side with a flick of hair sprouting from the top.

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