Learn English – What do you call the small cabin on top of roof of certain buildings


What do you call the small cabin on top of roof of certain buildings?

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The small cabin with something on top of it and with pipes running to the top of it. Is there a word for it? What are some standard ways of referring to that thing?

Best Answer

The technical term for these structures seems to be either house or bulkhead (e.g. stair/elevator house or stair/elevator bulkhead), but satisfactory online definitions are hard to find.


  1. a boxlike structure built over an opening, as at the head of a staircase, elevator shaft, etc.

Your Dictionary

Elevator house or bulkhead Structures with elevators may have an equipment or motor room located on the roof. Elevator houses vary in size according to the number of elevators that they service...

Fire Engineering's Handbook for Fire Fighter I and II

The term elevator house may well be more understandable than elevator bulkhead to the average person.

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