Learn English – What do you call the text before and after a message


I'm writing a small program to send e-mails on behalf of users. Users will write a message, and I will add some text before and after their message. What do I call the text before and after the user typed text?

My first idea was Header and Footer, but it doesn't feel right because I'm adding a lot more than a title and page number. Then I thought of Prologue and Epilogue, but that feels awkward.

Is there a better name?

Edit: it doesn't have to be one word. It can be a short title, e.g. first paragraph / last paragraph.

Best Answer

I'm not familiar with words that describe exactly what you need. But here are a few suggestions, that can be used (although, not always and not everywhere) for the text before and after a note/ message.

Text before the actual message

  • Introduction
  • Prologue
  • Preface
  • Forward

Text after the actual message

  • Postscript
  • Epilogue
  • Supplement
  • Conclusion

NOTE: Most of these don't qualify because they are usually used in books or letters. Also, do not use 'prescript' as the opposite to 'postscript' as it has an entirely different meaning, as in a "prescription from a doctor".

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