Learn English – What do you call this nearby position


Let's say you are in a classroom. You are the red square. What to call the position of the yellow seats in relation to you?

I thought of using "next," but I think that doesn't apply to the seats in front and behind the red square.

I also thought of "encircling," but that would include the green squares on the corners.

Example sentence:

The classmate who's bullying Mark must be sitting __

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Best Answer

The yellow squared are "adjacent" to the red square.

From: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/adjacent

Definition of adjacent 1a: not distant : NEARBY the city and adjacent suburbs b: having a common endpoint or border adjacent lots adjacent sides of a triangle c: immediately preceding or following

In this case "b" is the relevant definition, "having a common endpoint or border".

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