Learn English – “What do you think ….” constructions


I am very confused regarding the use of What/how/etc. do you think … as questions.


  1. What do you think is my name?
  2. What do you think my name is?


  1. How do you think it is done?
  2. How do you think is it done?

and also,

  1. Does anyone remember how we connected to the server?
  2. Does anyone remember how did we connect to the server?

Can you please elaborate with grammatical rules?

Best Answer

When asking a question like this, think of how you would answer the question.


[What do you think] [my name is]?

The answer is, "[My name is] Keiki."

[How do you think] [it is done]?

The answer is, "[It is done] like this."

[Does anyone remember how] [we connected to the server]?

The answer is, "[We connected to the server] like this."


[What do you think] [is my name]?

"[Is my name] Keiki," is another question, not an answer.

[How do you think] [is it done]?

"[Is it done] like this," is another question, not an answer.

[Does anyone remember how] [did we connect to the server]?

"[Did we connect to the server] like this," is another question, not an answer.

I can't tell you the technical term for why this is correct, and like all rules, there are probably exceptions, but I think it's pretty easy to remember like this.