Learn English – What does “a month” mean in “I see that you take quite a few business trips a month.”


Look at this American conversation

Isabel: Hi Vicky, this is Isabel. I'm the company's travel coordinator.
Vicky: Hi Isabel. Is there a problem?
Isabel: No. I see that you take quite a few business trips a month.
Vicky: Yes, I do.
Isabel: I noticed that you are not signed up for frequent flier miles.
Vicky: No, I haven't signed up yet.
Isabel: Please sign up before your next trip. You can earn miles and get a free trip anywhere in the country.
Vicky: I didn't know that.
Isabel: It's easy to sign up. You can do it online.
Vicky: I will do that today since I have another business trip at the end of the week.

What does "a month" mean in "I see that you take quite a few business trips a month."?

I know that American people often omit prepositions before Mondays, mornings.

Example "Do you work Saturdays?"="Do you work on Saturdays?"

I am not sure whether they omit "in" in "in a month".

Best Answer

What does "a month" mean in "I see that you take quite a few business trips a month."

In this case a month refers to the frequency of trips taken each month.

You can also say per month which means the same thing.

Also, if you use each month, a month or per month then I think that it is implied, but not stated, that a number of trips are made for several months in a year, or in succession.

I'm not sure that North Americans omit the preposition in

Living in Canada, I can only say that I have only heard: a month, per month (less common), and each month.

It's possible that we use in a month to describe a quota, as in the following sentence:

The factory has to produce fifty cars in a month to make a profit.

I hope that helps.