Learn English – What does “beat free” (or “can’t beat free”) mean


The Impossible Book

– Hey, let’s go for a walk or something!

– Oh, I’m kind of busy here…

– Busy bee as always. What are you doing? Reading again? Let me see
the title.

– It’s a bit silly, actually. You’re gonna laugh. The title is “It is
impossible to teach you a foreign language”

– So? Like I didn’t know. I always knew there was no way I could be
taught a foreign language.

– That’s exactly the point the author makes. His whole argument is
that you must teach yourself. You can learn it only yourself, from
within; no one can teach you, from without. No teacher, no professor,
no one.

– Well, hmm… maybe, it’s not as stupid as the title sounds.

– No, it’s not. It’s pretty funny but also smart at the same time. I
think you’d like it.

– I’m suspicious. The guy probably sells you some snake oil in the
end. One of those scam artists.

– Nothing of the kind. You just are being cynical. You’ve got to trust
people a little more.

– If you say so, but I’m intrigued. Maybe, I can borrow the book from
you sometime.

– Sure. When I’m done with it. By the way, you can download it from
the Web. For free.

– Really? Maybe, I’ll do that. You can’t beat free

So, what does it mean? When is it used?

What is the origin of this expression?

Best Answer

You can't beat is an idiom meaning "There is nothing better than"; it derives from the use of beat in the sense defeat, prove superior to.

You can't beat bacon and eggs for breakfast.
Whatever you think of the Beatles, you can't beat the Stones for longevity.

In this case, your interlocutor means "There is no better price than free".