Learn English – What does **climbed back into grace** mean


His two attempts to break away from his own tradition were signal failures: "Turtle Doves alarmed by Sparrow-hawk" and "Wolves on the Roman Campagna" came back to his studio in the guise of abominable heresies, and Eshley climbed back into grace and the public gaze with "A Shaded Nook where Drowsy Milkers Dream."

quoted from The Stalled Ox

What does climbed back into grace mean?

Best Answer

To be in good graces with someone means they have a good opinion of you; to be in their good favour (Link).

The best way to explain 'climbing back into grace' in this context is that the subject of your quote, Eshley, possibily had a bad response to their previous works and this new one had a good response from the public and restored their opinion of him/her. They essentially climbed back into good graces.

Edit - There is also the more literal meaning along the same lines: to fall from grace is to get on the wrong side of the people (or god). So climbing back into grace has the same meaning as the above. (Link)

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