Learn English – What does “crash” mean in this context


Okay, 2 thoughts. Not that you asked, but…
1) You're going to crash, and it's okay when you do. This isn't a recovery. I did the same thing, it's part of the plan, usually, but you're not okay the way you think you are, so leave room for the bottom to fall out of this, make sure the right people are there to help, and you're next recovery will be a real one. You don't have to believe me.
2) don't give up on your step-daughter before you've talked to a lawyer. In many states (including mine) there are rights for a "defacto father" that can approximate an adoptive patent, particularly if get biodad isn't on the picture. It depends on the state, but it's worth asking.


A guy gave out a rant and someone reply with the above message.
I am guessing it means an "emotional breakdown"?

Best Answer

The nearest meaning is crash after a drug high [link]

Hangover or other ill physical and psychological after effects as a result of a drug leaving your system and your body craving more. Specifically , this term refers to amphetamines, though it's often used to refer to other drugs as well.

The crash from the speed was so bad I couldn't move from the corner I was crying in for 3 hours, until I found my fifth of jim beam.

In the linked post, the original poster says:

From going from an emotional wreck with bugger all sleep to a happy single man with a huge life ahead of him in 3 days is surreal. How did I do it you may ask? I fucking sucked it up thats how. I focused on the facts not the emotional pain I had experienced all of 18 hours before. I put a call out on facebook to family and friends (my profile is private and only have true friends and family members) and I had a whole village come to my call!

This is essentially euphoric - like euphoric high similar to that from a drug. The answer says this will end soon, and end badly, with a very bad depressive feeling - "a crash", and the asker will need help of friends in making the actual recovery.

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